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More New Classes, Mobility, Muscle-Ups and EMOM Shuttle-runs

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New AM Level II class starts on Friday August 23 at 7AM. This two hour class is for those who want to work more deeply with the Olympic Lifts while increasing their work volume and intensity. For Level II criterion please read to the bottom of this blog post.



New Open Gym Hours are Saturdays from 10AM-12 noon. They will start THIS SATURDAY August 17. The open gym is for members to come in and work on their weaknesses in an unsupervised setting. There may be a coach in The West Wing working out at the same time, but they will not have their coaching eye on you constantly. Therefore, Open Gym is for those with ambition to work on their weaknesses who also know how to keep themselves safe.



Wednesday at 5PM we host a 30 minute Mobility Class, and participants are walking away with greater mobility and new tools to get there. Try it out, for FREE!




Level II Criterion For Women

Section One: Must be able to perform 17/22 of the following movements with proper form.
?Movement Date Witness
Push Ups: 10 unbroken
Ring Dips: 1 unbroken
Pull-Ups, Kipping: 5 unbroken
Pull-Ups, Dead Hang: 1
Muscle-Up: 1 (or 3 sitting in green band)
Handstand Hold: 1 minute unbroken
Handstand Push-Ups: 3 unbroken (kipping allowed)
GHD Sit-Ups: 10 unbroken
Hip Extensions: 20 unbroken
Back Extensions: 20 unbroken
Hip-Back Extensions: 20 unbroken
Double Unders: 30 in 1 minute
Wall Ball: 20 unbroken, 14 lbs
Kettlebell Swings: 25 unbroken, 16 kg
Turkish Get-Up: 16 kg
Back Squat: 5 unbroken, 135 lbs
Overhead Squat: 5 unbroken, 65 lbs
Deadlift: 5 unbroken, 155 lbs
Power Clean: 95 lbs
Push Jerk: 95 lbs
Power Snatch: 65 lbs
Thrusters: 10 unbroken, 65 lbs
Section Two: Benchmarks. Must have indicated score for 3/5 of these workouts completed as RX’d.
Benchmark Score Date Witness
Cindy: at least 9 rounds
Tabata Squats: at least 15
Fran: Less than 10:00
CrossFit Total: Score of 400
Grace: less than 9:00



Level II Criterion for Men

Section One: Must be able to perform 17/22 of the following movements with proper form.
?Movement Date Witness
Push-Ups: 20 unbroken
Ring Dips: 3 unbroken
Pull-Ups, Kipping: 10 unbroken
Pull-Ups, Dead Hang: 3 unbroken
Muscle-Up: 1
Handstand Hold: 1 minute unbroken
Handstand Push-Ups: 5 unbroken (kipping allowed)
GHD Sit-Ups: 10 unbroken
Hip Extensions: 20 unbroken
Back Extensions: 20 unbroken
Hip-Back Extensions: 20 unbroken
Double Unders: 30 in 1 minute
Wall Ball: 20 unbroken, 20 lbs
Kettlebell Swings: 25 unbroken, 24 kg
Turkish Get-Up: 24 kg
Back Squat: 5 unbroken, 185 lbs
Overhead Squat: 5 unbroken, 95 lbs
Deadlift: 5 unbroken, 225 lbs
Power Clean: 135 lbs
Push Jerk: 135 lbs
Power Snatch: 95 lbs
Thrusters: 10 unbroken, 95 lbs
Section Two: Must have indicated score for 3/5 of these benchmark workouts completed as RX’d.
Benchmark Score Date Witness
Cindy: at least 12 rounds
Tabata Squats: at least 17
Fran: Less than 10:00
CrossFit Total: Score of 650
Grace: less than 7:00





Wednesday’s WOD


Muscle-up Work:

10 minutes to work on:
-Max rep muscle-up (or scaled version)
-(Coaches’ note: help each athlete find their absolutely most difficult scaled version of muscle-up. If athlete has MU, have them add weight and/or work on strict MU)

10 Minutes to practice a working scaled version:
-Strict, Kipping, Jumping, Toe-Touch, Pull-ups+Dips
-Once found, then perform 2 Sets of max reps of MU (rest 2-3 minutes between sets)


EMOM 10 Minutes
-2 Shuttle-run
-5 Burpees
-(Coaches’ Note: Have athletes scale their work so that they finish in ~30-40 seconds each round. If you have a big class, start some athletes on the minute, some on the half-minute)

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